Have you got Big Brum Love?

I was thrilled when I heard that Marty Taylor had been approached to lead an event for the festival: not a professional guide, but someone with a great sense of humour who could offer an interesting and entertaining personal perspective on Birmingham.

When his proposal came back, it totally blew all our expectations out of the water…

We thought he could share some affection for the city he grew up in.
He gave us love!

We thought we’d go easy on him and keep the numbers down for his first tour-guide gig.
He gave us a procession!

We thought we were getting Marty Taylor.
We got Sas & Marty Taylor and Big Brum Love!

The Big Brum Love tour will do what it says on the tin: a massive celebration of love (for all things) taking place in the city centre from 1pm on Saturday March 31st.

To make sure we nail the big bit though, we’re going to need your help…

We want to gather as many people as possible to take part in this (free) happening, so come along and join us for a dollop of love, affection and general bonhomie.

There’ll be a range of activities going on for those who are feeling expressive, but it’s totally fine to get involved with these as much or as little as you like. The main thing is we want you to come and walk with us. The streets of Birmingham have seen a few protests in recent months, can we now fill them with a celebration?

Show us your positive vibes!

As I mentioned earlier, the event is free. You won’t need a ticket for this one, however we are asking for you to add your name to this eventbrite registration to help the planning side of things. All ages welcome.

Bringing yourself is the important thing, but if you can also bring along an instrument to play that would be rather marvellous and help add to the Big Brum Love atmosphere!

Sas & Marty have set up a Big Brum love blog and Twitter account, so link up to those for updates etc. In the meantime, please mark the 31st in your diary and help spread the word. Birmingham Needs Yow.